Being COVID Safe is a shared responsibility. We want you to enjoy the Festival and stay safe. Please follow COVID Safe practices when attending Festival events.
Remember to
Stay home if you are unwell
Stay home if you are unwell or have a cough, fever, sore throat, fatigue or shortness of breath.
Maintain social distancing
Keep 1.5m between yourself and others. You may attend events in your social or household group. Keep distance between yourself and other attendees.
Wash your hands regularly
Practice good hand hygiene. Wash your hands frequently and use hand sanitizer where provided.
Attending an event
COVID Safe messages
COVID Safe messages may be delivered before, during and after events. Listen out for information and follow the directions.
QR codes
Look for the QR code and register on arrival to events in public spaces.
COVID Safe signage
Look for COVID Safe signage and follow directions.
If an event space is crowded, stay away.
Feeling unwell during an event
If you become unwell during an event, locate event staff or first aid. In venues, approach a venue usher or staff member.
Right to refuse
Businesses have the right to refuse service and must insist that anyone displaying COVID-19 symptoms leaves the venue.
Public Transport
Using public transport? Keep up to date with COVID Safe travel updates.